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Image by Steve Johnson

Obsessions & Compulsions

Obsessions are unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that may be extreme or disturbing. The obsessions are accompanied by uncomfortable feelings, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a feeling that things have to be “just right.” These obsessions occur over and over again and feel outside of the person’s control. Common obsessions can include:

• Contamination

• Losing control

• Perfectionism

• Harm coming to others due to negligence

• Unwanted sexual or violent thoughts

• Religious obsessions (also referred to as “scrupulosity”)

Compulsions are excessive, repetitive behaviors or “mental acts” (e.g., thought suppression, counting, praying, etc.) that a person uses to try to neutralize or make their obsessions or distress go away. People with OCD usually recognize that using compulsions is only a temporary solution, but without any other way to cope, they rely on compulsions as a brief escape. Common compulsions can include:

• Frequent, excessive washing and/or cleaning.

• Frequent, excessive checking (e.g. that the door is locked, that the oven is off, etc.).

• Repeating.

• Mental compulsions (e.g. counting, praying, and reviewing).

• Frequent, excessive reassurance seeking (e.g. asking “Are you sure I’m going to be OK?”).

• Avoiding situations that may trigger their obsessions


Obsessive compulsive disorder is identified by a psychiatric professional that conducts a thorough assessment and screening. Effective treatment is available for obsessive compulsive disorder. If you have the following cycle make an appointment for a thorough evaluation:




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